Monday, March 12, 2012

Lost Batalion

 Durring World War advancemetns in Technology aided each sides of the war. Advancements where made in almost every aspect of war. Weapons, transportation, and others, advanced greatly durring this time.  In post wars the high power guns were limited. The war tecnhniques were also differnt from fighting in lines which would be easier to kill the opponet. In the movie "The Lost Batalion" it took place in trenches or holes the have dug to get an advantage. The trenches made it harder to defeat the opponet, and took longer to advance.
 Before WWI both sides in the war would stand in a line and take turns shooting at eachother. If you were close to someone, they would use Musketts because of there inability to be accurate. Because of the simplicity of this war, it made it very easy to make advances in every aspect.
 With the advancements of technology, alot of things were advanced.Trenches wher use for protection. Machine guns killed more people because of the raipied shooting. Gas bombs were use to reach the trenches for a way to move the enemy or kill them. In the movie when they are trapped waiting for reinvorsements to come. The American group had to battle off the Germans. The American troops dug holes for protection. the Germans used powerfull gun (rifels) when the Americans tired to get water. the technology through the wars help give each side advantages untill the other does the same or better.

Book blog

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee takes place during the great depression in the little town of Maycomb, Alabama. This book focuses on Scout Finch, her brother Jem and her dad Atticus, a well known lawyer of the town. Scout and Jem become friends with a boy named Dill who comes to Maycomb every summer to stay with his aunt. These kids are all very suspecious of their neighbor Boo Radley. The adults are very hesitant to talk about him and very few have ever seen him. Over two summers the kids find that someone is leaving them little presants in a tree outside the Radely house, Boo seems to be trying to show the kids gestures but to their dissapointment they never see him. At this time Atticus takes a case with a black man, Tom Robinson who is accused of raping Mayella Ewell, a white young lady. Scout and Jem are always faced with kids calling them names and making fun of them because their dad is representing an african american. During the trial Atiicus establishes that Mayella Ewell and her father Bob Ewell, the town drunk are both lying. Despite the evidence that Tom is inocent the jury convicts him. Tom is eventually shot when trying to escape from prison. Bob Ewell is out for revenge, he spits in Atticus' face in the streets and eventually goes after Scout and Jem on Halloween night. Jems arm is broken during the struggle and a mysterious man carries him home, this man is Boo Radley. The police find Bob Ewell dead and dont know whether to blame Boo or even Jem. Eventually they just say that he fell on his own knife. Scout walks Boo home and as he dissapears regrets not repaying him for the gifts he left the kids in the tree.

Harper Lee grew up in Alabama. She faced a lot of racial issues just like in her book. Her father was a lawyer just like Atticus  and her mother rarely left the house because she had some mental disabilities. Her mothers maiden name was also Finch, which is where she got the name in the book from. Many of thes events that happened in this book came from events that actually were similar to what happened in her life. Harper attended Law school and eventually went to school in New York and this is where she ended up writing the story To Kill A Mockingbird.

I think that To Kill A Mocking bird is very accurate when displayhing historical information of this time period of the 1930's.  This book shows a lot of racial injustice and how racist people really were during this time. There were many unfair trials during this time just like Tom Robinsons. It was not fair how African Americans were treated and this book was a good representation of it. The Ku Klux Klan was a big group during this time and there was a riot the night before the trial where the KKK was involved. The Great Depession was also going on at this time. Atticus was left trying to find cases and trying to pay his bills. This was happeneing to many people during this time because unemployment was so prevelent and times were hard. This book really showed the hard times people faced during the 1930's.

To Kill A Mockingbird influenced many people during the time it came out. This book lead to people seeing African Americans differently and even helped the Civil Rights movement take bigger steps in the problem with racial injustice. This book was introduced to many schools to teach younger kids lessons about what really happend and why it shold have never happend. Alabama was a very segregated state and people knew that. The trial that was shown in this book made people realize that these needed to be changed and everyone should have equality.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Uncle Toms cabin

This storry takes place in kentucoky, Arthur shelby is the owner of a slave plantation. This starts out that they are in a pinch for some money so they decide to sell a couple slaves. One of the slaves hears this news so she goes and tells the other slaves what is going to happen so then Eliza, Jorge and harry run away and make their run for the north. Mr. Haley hires a slave tracker to help find his runaway slaves. The tracker eventually finds the slaves and comes to a confrontation with them ending in Jorge shooting him and wounding him. The slaves escape to a quakers house for protection and they also take the slave taker and help him recover from his injury. He becomes healthy and helps the slaves escape to freedome. Uncle tom is a slave that gets sold to a family called the St. Clare in new orleans and stays at a plantation there. He fell in love with the farmers daughter  and then after two years she passed away and following that the father also died. After this uncle toms is shipped once again to another plantation were he eventually is beat to death. Then Arthur shelby sends his one son down to new orleans to get uncle tom back and finds out that he was killed. after hearing this news the son goes back and frees all the slaves in toms honor.

As a young wife and mother living in Cincinnati, Harriet Beecher Stowe met former and fugitive enslaved people. On the Ohio River across from Kentucky, a slave state, the city exposed Stowe to the public face of slaveryStowe knew about slavery before she moved to Ohio. Her own grandmother kept African American servants who had probably originally been enslaved, and her father had preached in favor of the colonization movement, supporting the creation of Liberia as a settling point for freed people. But in Ohio, Stowe heard first hand stories from former enslaved people; witnessed slavery while visiting Kentucky; and employed fugitives in her home. When Harriet and Calvin learned that their servant was actually a runaway in danger of being returned to slavery, Calvin and Harriet's brother Henry Ward Beecher helped her escape and reach Canada and legal freedom.
     This book uses alot of the esentually factors durring this time period. They factor in the use of the underground railroad, slaves, slave trade, plantation and the entire focus of slave life.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The inn at Cashtown

On Chambersburg Road there is an old inn called Cashtown Inn. Many Confederate soldiers stayed near or in the inn. The Inn was called Cashtown because the owner would only take cash, no credit. The day of the Gettysburg battle all the soldiers set out. They had received permission from the General to go and buy shoes. What they didn"t know was that they were about to get into a fight. The General who gave them permission knew that there were no shoes in Gettysburg, only Union soldiers who were ready to kill the Confederates. The Confederate General just wanted to fight. But, when the mostly barefoot soldiers ran into the Unions they were forced to fight. Most of them died. This event occurred in late June and early July. Ghosts of the soilders have been living at the inn ever sence that day. On day a man came into the inn asking a boy who worked there who the man standing by the enterance was wearing a very outdated war uniform, and the boy replied that he was just a regular ghost and not to worry about him. Guests have been known to see ghosts of soilders wandering the halls of the hotel. For some reason the ghosts of the men have haunted the inn but imparticularly room 4. People have been hearing knocks at the door but never find any one to be out side. Also guests wake up to find that all of their things have been packed in their suitecases and ready to go unsure of what is going on. The hotel went under reconstruction and was told that the ghosts did not come around much after, except for when late june, early july came around then the ghosts of the soilders would reapear.